Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Randomly Generated Art: Bouncy Balls

Partner: Derek Macario

In this exercise we constructed a 5x5 inch foam board cube using tape. We rolled dice to determine how long we would shake the cube, for this case it was 3 minutes. Two bouncy balls covered with black and red ink are inserted through a slot cut into the cube and then the cube is shaken, bouncing the ink covered balls on the inside of the cube. Each side of the cube is given a number and arrow indicating its order and orientation in the final composition when the cube is opened and split into 6 squares. 

I enjoyed the results of this project and think they kinda look like blood cells moving around. The feeling of motion and movement made from the bouncy balls can be seen clearly by the ink, which seems to create a chaotic narrative. The borders created by the cube is also a nice effect.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Predictions 60 Years From Now

In Vannevar Bush's article, "As We May Think" he talks about all the scientific advancements mankind has achieved, and he predicts what technology will come 60 years later. In my opinion, in the future be it 60 years from now or longer, man will become one with machine, in what is called the "singularity" by futurists. Our brains processing speeds will become exponentially faster with every coming year until we stop communicating by sound, and communicate through brain waves for efficiency. Singularity

Bush predicts that in the future people would use microfilm to store data, but with the invention of the hard drive, virtual memory is possible and we're storing a lot more information than we would on microfilm. My prediction for data storage in 60 years is that we will be using our own DNA to store data since we will be cyborgs essentially. DNA Storage

Bush predicts that we will be having cameras the size of walnuts attached to our faces, which is true
when you look at the GoPro or the upcoming Google Glasses. Google Glasses I think will be one of the inventions of our time period which will further bridge the gap between technology and biology. The new Google Glasses will be replaced in 60 years for the internal version, where I imagine it will be completely built into our systems, combining man with machine. Google Glasses


In terms of new inventions, the watch will most likely be remade in the next 60 years, possibly as a new interface for daily use or a remote controller. Apple has been heard of recently working the iWatch, a new wristwatch which can be used as a smartphone, possibly to replace the iPhone in the near future. The possibilities are endless, however I feel in the growing world of knowledge, speed and efficiency will be the most important factors in deciding what new invention will break the barriers of convention. iWatch

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chance Operation Ideas

1. Multiple Spinners: By utilizing the spinner from Twister, it can be used as a random variable generator. One spinner will have multiple colors on it determining the color of every brush stroke, direction, and duration of brushing. Painted on a big piece of butcher paper.

2. Blindfolded Walking: Someone will be blindfolded and wearing shoes with paintbrushes attached to them placed in a random place (determined by a dice rolling) on a big piece of butcher paper. The color of paint used will be picked from dice rolling.

3. Music Painting: A speaker turned upwards will be covered by ceran wrap and paint (color determined by dice rolls) will be applied on top of the wrap. Paper will be hanging above it on a rotating mobile looking thing that will be blown by a fan to increase the randomness.

bonus. Bullwhip Idea: Someone will be blindfolded with a bull whip that has paint brushes attached to the end and will be told to whip wherever they think the canvas is. Keep people in close proximity for added hilarity.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

random idea typing exercise

Random typing:

birds flying into the sunset with a robot
the many different uses of peanut butter and jelly
a robot that draws things based on your feelings
telepathy using machines
having a conversation while not saying anything
images evoking different emotions
wilderness survival robot
emergen-C gun: a gun that instantly injects 1000% of your daily dosage of vitamin C
shoes that count your footsteps which applies it to an online fighting game
shoes with a built in gps
explosion art

Monday, February 4, 2013

3 Art-Icles I Found Interesting..

Mr. Jones Watches

From owning my own time-piece, I know the many uses and how handy it can be at knowing the time and date from just the flick of my wrist. Mr. Jone's watches tell you the time and more! There's a lie detector watch, a humility watch, personality watches all for the sole purpose of bettering oneself and those around them.

What I found interesting about these interesting watches was that instead of improving the wearers image it could actually make them seem worse, which forces them to be more honest with those around them. The best watch to do this would be the lie detector watch, which says 'LIE' whenever the wearer is untruthful, which is useful during poker I imagine. These are the kinds of time pieces I would imagine people from a dystopian society would like to were.

Perpetual Storytelling Machine

This cool device reads any story and produces pictures detailing the story. What I found interesting about this device is the power of creativity that you have when using this is quite vast. Any story can be put to life and told through the patent pictures drawn by this machine. In some ways this machine is very intelligent that it can scan through the patent database and choose the picture that best fits the story.

Saving Myself

In this contraption, a bonsai tree is in a controlled environment using a machine and a UV light. They manually control the weather and they take pictures of the tree and these pictures are inserted inside the rings of the tree, so that it can only be seen when it has been cut down. In a way its quite poetic how the tree has pictures of itself inside to remind it of what it used to look like, which is a very human thing to do. I can see this technology benefiting plant or botany research in perhaps in cataloging plants or endangered species.