Saturday, May 25, 2013

Outside Events

Artist Talks: Olga Koumoundouro
Notorious Possession

Notorious Possession is an art piece make by Olga Koumoundouro, which features an unused house that she broke into and turned it into a living, breathing art space.
What I found interesting about this piece was the fact that Olga didn't in fact own the house at all, she just saw that it was not in use and just sitting around, so she decided to paint the exterior gold, and the inside rainbow. Whats so interesting about this piece is the message of home foreclosures and economics, which is one of the reasons Olga decided to paint the house gold. Olga also reminds me of the Occupy movement, and her ideas and art reflect a lot about current affairs and the distribution of wealth.

Olga's usage of unused spaces and making them her own is interesting to me since we live in such an organized society where we all are governed by our wealth which tells us where we eat and sleep. Olga however broke normal conventions of possession and trespassing rules when she saw this unused home, and decided to make it her own studio for art.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rapture Tourism Project Update


Download Link above for .kmz file

This is the main power generator for Rapture, run on geo-thermal heat from the volcanic activity beneath the ocean floor.


This is the main source of oxygen for the city, and vacation home for the residents of Rapture.

 Olympus Heights
This is the main residency building for all the high class and wealthier citizens of Rapture.

 Medical Pavillion
This building is where you would go for medical emergencies, but ever since Rapture discovered the plasmid, it has been primarily used for facial reconstruction surgery due to side effects.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rapture Tower

Here is the tower of Rapture, found at the very of the beginning of the game in Bioshock. Made using Sketchup.